Act 86 Prospective Substitute Teacher

To participate in the Prospective Substitute Teacher Program (PA Act 86), you must be currently enrolled in a teacher preparation program in a college or university located in Pennsylvania. You must also have completed 60 semester hours or more.  Participants may work a maximum of 180 days a school year and no more than ten consecutive days for the same teacher. Renewal of permit is allowed for one additional year.


Position Summary

A substitute teacher is an individual who, in the absence of the classroom teacher, is responsible for providing instruction and managing the learning environment. The substitute teacher reports to the principal or designee at the location to which they are assigned.


Job Duties

The day-to-day job duties of a substitute teacher are determined by the classroom teacher or his/her designee, as they may vary depending on the changing needs of the classroom(s), student(s), and/or school district. Substitute teachers of any capacity are subject to daily reassignment, depending on the day's needs. The substitute teacher must comply with the duties outlined by the classroom teacher, principal, or designee.